Questions & Answers

How can I learn about the functionalities of Hadrone PPM?

Contact us and we will present Hadrone PPM for you using a sample project portfolio. No slides, just a "live" project portfolio demonstration!

During the demonstration, you will not only learn about the broad functionalities of Hadrone PPM software, but also experience how comfortable and user-friendly our software is.

Can I test Hadrone PPM before purchase?

Yes of course. Contact us and we will conduct a Hadrone PPM pilot for you using your sample projects.

Thanks to the pilot, you will be able to check the capabilities of Hadrone PPM in your environment, as well as determine what should possibly be changed in your organization so that the software is used properly later.

The pilot includes a 1-day workshop, during which we will configure the software for the needs of your organization, and then we will create several projects, so that your team becomes familiar with the software interface.

Later, you will have access to Hadrone PPM for 2-4 weeks, so that your team can check in practice what work in the software would look like after its implementation.

Our pilot is a mini implementation in one day. And all of this remotely and free-of-charge!

Thanks to the use of pilot implementations, 100% of our customers are satisfied with the use of Hadrone PPM after its implementation.

Can I use Hadrone PPM in the cloud (SaaS)?

Yes :-) You can buy Hadrone PPM cloud access with monthly fees. With SaaS model you avoid investments and and your IT Team maintenance work.
In cloud model Hadrone PPM software is maintained in safe and secure MS Azure environment and your organization can focus on the use of the solution and its benefits :-)
Here you can find the terms and conditions of Hadrone PPM cloud services.
Contact us for information on Hadrone PPM cloud and pricing.

Can I install Hadrone PPM on my infrastructure (On-Premises)?

Yes :-) You can purchase Hadrone PPM on-premise software license for limited and unlimited use (e.g. yearly or multi-year).
The software can be installed on your infrastructure or in your cloud.
Contact us to learn about the details of pricing and technical requirements.

How much does Hadrone PPM cost?

The cost of Hadrone PPM includes:
- access to software in the cloud (SaaS) or perpetual or time-limited software license (On-Premises)
- implementation cost
- post-implementation support

Contact us for detailed and tailored offer.

What is the return on investment in implementing Hadrone PPM?

Hadrone PPM is designed to quickly deliver measurable return on investment and to continuously secure high return on investment from your projects and project portfolio management.
Every organization is different and will achieve its business objectives in different ways.
With Hadrone PPM you will have detailed visibility into all your projects, and you will be able to easily analyze, prioritize and manage your projects from first idea to delivery.
Contact us to get specific customized RoI impact information.

How long does the implementation of Hadrone PPM take and what is the typical process?

Smooth and fast implementation is one of many competitive advantages of Hadrone PPM.
Project portfolio management best practices are embedded in the solution functionality, the implementation process is our key experience - this leads to very efficient 1-3 months implementation procedure. It is significantly more efficient than the market practice in this category of enterprise solutions.
We operate globally, remotely, virtually and in highly engaging mode with all customers.

The typical implementation includes:
- the software's launch and configuration to the needs of the organization
- users' training including training customization
- current projects' data migration, integrations with other systems
- any other project management and portfolio management advisory

We can also offer the express implementation shortened up to 5 days.
Contact us to learn more and start your implementation.

Can the implementation of Hadrone PPM be performed remotely?

Yes, we perform implementation projects around the world virtually always aligning to our customer requirements.
Our Customer Success Managers have developed best practices in remote, virtual engagement leading to smooth and successful implementations and post implementation support

Contact us to plan your implementation.

Will the current projects be migrated as part of the implementation?

Yes, the integration is the strength of Hadrone PPM and our team is experienced in projects migration.
We can import projects from MS Project and many other sources like Excel, PowerPoint and other.
Contact us to plan your migration to Hadrone PPM.

On what support I can count on after the implementation of Hadrone PPM?

Post-implementation support is focused on our customer's needs and can include:

- Hadrone PPM updates - usually 4 updates in a year
- technical support - SLA
- e-mail focused support
- additional Hadrone's consultants support based on time and material model.

We look forward to share with you the details of Hadrone's PPM post-implementation support.

How Hadrone PPM is developed?

The continues improvement is the core of our culture and approach to the product development.
Hadrone PPM is developed by highly engaged team and in alignment with customers' needs.
We also invest in innovation and analyze technology trends to always delivers the best-in-class product to our customers.
Every year we update Hadrone PPM on average 4 times.

Our customers are involved in the Hadrone PPM development roadmap decisions - you have direct impact on the next versions of Hadrone PPM.

I manage projects in JIRA - how Hadrone PPM extends JIRA's capabilities?

Using Hadrone PPM you are able to sync issues from JIRA with the project schedule.
You can view issues from JIRA directly in the Hadrone PPM project schedule.
You can detect the impact of delays in the implementation of JIRA issues on the project schedule.
Minimizing the workload of supervising your team's work in JIRA is enabled by integration with Hadrone PPM.

I use the ERP system, and what will Hadrone PPM give me additionally?

Integration of Hadrone PPM with your ERP system will allow you to automate the import of project expenses. Thanks to this integration, you will always provide up-to-date information on the budget status in the project, minimizing the effort and ensuring the proper quality of data.

My suppliers use MS Project - will I still be able to use it after implementing Hadrone PPM?

Yes of course. Thanks to the integration with MS Project, you will be able to import the schedule previously prepared in MS Project to Hadrone PPM, and export the schedule from Hadrone PPM to MS Project.

Do you have any other question? Contact us!

See also our other product

HadroneTM SPM

All services & costs. Visualised

Best-in-class service
catalog & cost management

Hadrone SPM enables modeling and visualization of the catalog and costs of services provided to internal and external customers, and then monitoring of actual costs and deviation tracking.
